Explore our catalogue for community solutions with proven track records for uplifting people and communities.
Use solutions that work
Guide your community: write, fund, and launch a tailored climate action plan in this hands-on program.
Traditional knowledge based
Discover climate solutions to help tribal members combat global warming in this live teacher-led course.
Learn what donors want
Develop a donor presentation and have an exploratory donor meeting. Use their input to perfect proposal.
See what it takes to get started
For long term sustainability, engage community members in the launch. They will become project stewards.
Design a community project
How to develop solution-oriented programs for the needs of your community.
Fund your project
Develop funding tools: logframes, budgets, schedules, 2-page fact sheet
Launch your project
For the most positive impact, fully engage the community in their project.
Manage your project
For long-term sustainability, give the community a plan for project takeover.
Perfect for web donations
Tune up your marketing plan, newsletters & website to motivate online donors.
Quick, self-paced program
Develop donor-focused newsletters and web pages for your organizational needs.
Fund, launch, and manage
Design a nonprofit project to attract donor funding & manage it for impact.
Help rural communities
For long term sustainability, engage community members in project design and launch.
Teach families to grow food
Ideal for individuals and families—as well as nonprofits. Grow food for family nutrition.
Start container gardening
Teach at-risk urban families to grow fresh nutritious vegetables in small places.
Launch a community garden
Start a community food garden for schools, senior centers, and at-risk families.
Sun, soil, water, plants, pests
How to care for the gardens that you have planted and how to plan for next season.
Climate Solutions Newsletter
Every Month
Learn about practical actions for combating global warming. Solve climate challenges. Subscribe!
Link skeptics and believers
10 Minute Read
How to respectfully engage and converse with skeptical communities about preparing for climate change.
Cut carbon footprint 50%
10 Minute Read
How you as an individual can create a personalized climate action plan and create a respectible footprint.
For nonprofit professionals
Every Month
Advance your career, raise funds, and solve nonprofit challenges, and uplift communities. Subscribe!
Design an NGO project
How to develop solution-oriented programs for the needs of your community.
Fund your NGO project
Develop funding tools: log frames, budgets, schedules, and two-page fact sheets.
Launch your NGO project
For the most positive impact, fully engage the community in their project.
Manage your project
For long-term sustainability, give the community a plan for project takeover.
Community adaptation
How to design & run a real climate change project in a real community.
Learn what donors want
Develop funding tools: log frames, budgets, schedules and fact sheets.
Learn to get started
For the most positive impact, fully engage the community in their project.
Include the community
For long-term sustainability, give the community training for project takeover.
Climate change agriculture
Discover specific food & income challenges & find sustainable solutions.
Community emergencies
Design a DRR program to protect agriculture, livelihoods, and save lives.
International Food Security
Reduce hunger and malnutrition. Launch food gardens for at-risk families.
Protection and supply
Develop a community water management plan to protect & provide & then launch it!
CSDi participants from 154 countries
Nonprofits engaged worldwide
Peoples’ lives & communities enhanced
Copyright © 2008-2024, Center for Sustainable Development, Inc. All rights reserved. CSDi is a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that specializes in providing sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for climate change and sustainable development for development and nonprofit professionals worldwide. Visit our training catalogue.