Climate Change News
Monthly, Breaking Climate Change News
Welcome to our monthly breaking news column: Climate Change News.
There are many challenges and much anxiety surrounding climate change. Extreme weather events, drought, and health harming-extreme heat are caused by greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels.
Solve Climate Change: Learn how to use clean energy technologies like electricity from solar energy and wind turbines—and urban forests for reducing extreme heat—as climate solutions for climate impacts.
Positive Climate News
Climate Change News presents positive climate news and practical, achievable actions and climate solutions for you to take for emissions reductions and to combat climate change on the planet.
CSDi has been a leader in working internationally with communities to develop Climate Change Action Plans since 2010. We have witnessed many climate solutions with success stories: proven track records for climate change solutions needed by communities. In this climate crisis, low income communities and rural communities will suffer most from climate impacts.
Climate Change Articles. We want to share with you in Climate Change News cutting edge climate actions like using solar panels for clean energy that you can take today. Good climate news for positive change! Please enjoy it and send us your comments.
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News on Climate Change: Join 15,000 professionals from 212 countries and territories from around the world who subscribe to our newsletters.
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We won’t inundate you with emails. We will simply forward you monthly climate change articles on climate change solutions that show renewable energy technologies and positive steps that you can take in this world to solve climate change.
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Monthly News on Climate Change Updates:
Advance your career, raise funds, engage your communities, launch solutions for climate change, and develop Climate Action Plans with our cutting-edge articles. Learn about shifting from fossil fuels to electricity, urban forests for extreme heat, and wind turbines and solar energy technologies for reducing emissions. See our Privacy Policy.
Who Should Subscribe to Climate Change News?
- Individuals who want to take personal climate action, use clean energy like solar panels and reduce carbon emissions within their household.
- Concerned community members who want to launch climate change solutions in their communities.
- Nonprofit organizations working on renewable energy solutions for the climate crisis.
- Concerned tribal members who want to launch climate change solutions in their community.
- Local governments who want to launch climate change solutions in their communities for challenges such as extreme heat.
For Organizations and Local governments:
Good Climate News: The climate change solutions are for nonprofits, local governments, community-based organizations, and tribal nations to use within their communities. These include developing and launching a community-wide Climate Action Plan for reducing emissions and energy use, and mitigating challenges like high temperatures.
For Individuals:
The climate change solutions are practical, achievable actions that individuals can take to reduce carbon emissions and solve climate change. These range from reducing one’s household carbon footprint by lowering energy use with solar panels, to taking an activist role in motivating government representatives to take action.