This is course is the first part of a four-course program on planning, funding, launching, and managing a local climate action plan for your community. The course will lead you through the design and launch of a similar, real project in your local community.

In this first course, you will work hand-in-hand with community members in developing a local climate action plan.

By the end of the 8 weeks, you will have designed a plan complete with climate change solutions that will work for your community’s climate change challenges. Your plan is in preparation for the second course of the program where you will develop a full set of donor documents to present for funding.

Course Syllabus

8 Weeks: Develop a real-life, local climate action plan.
Week 1. Complete enrollment, meet your teacher, and explore the course resources. You will then have the next 3 weeks for Assignment One.
Week 2 & 3.
Conduct a climate change conversation with community members to understand their needs, personal interests—and strengths!
4. Clearly define your community and its overall climate challenges.
Week 5. Learn how to solve the challenge using locally-focused climate change solutions.
Week 6. Make sure your plan will work by checking that your climate solutions have success stories that show a proven track record.
Week 7. Assemble a detailed outline for a local climate action plan in preparation for a donor presentation.
Week 8. Share your project with your community and with a donor for feedback.


Types of communities that you can help prepare for their climate challenges during your participation in this course:

  • Drought stricken farming communities
  • Small communities in fire prone areas
  • Communities suffering from global warming-related health issues—like exhaustion from heat waves
  • Communities in areas prone to flooding
  • Communities impacted by sea level rise
  • Communities wanting to embrace climate-friendly energy solutions

The importance of community members.
Every community has different climate challenges: location and size make each community unique. Designing solutions to climate challenges will need to be on a very local, human scale. Top-down plans won’t work.

Consequently, the most important people in designing, launching and maintaining climate action plans are the community members themselves. They know their unique climate challenges, they know potential solutions, and they know what they want for their community. They will become the owners of the plan.


8 Weeks | Course 1 of 4 | Hands-On

This is the first course of four-courses on planning, funding, launching, and managing a climate action plan with your community.

You will work hand-in-hand with community members in developing their  plan.

The program is designed to help both experienced—and novice—climate change planners implement bold climate action plans for ensuring that communities are prepared for a changing climate.

Course Objective

In designing a successful climate action plan you will:

  • Learn to incorporate community-identified climate change challenges and interests into the design of your plan.
  • Research climate solutions with success stories: proven track records for solving the climate challenges faced by your community.
  • Incorporate long-lasting solutions that will continue to show results year after year.
  • Combine your climate action plan with support documents for funding presentations.

Course Outcomes

Learn by doing. This climate change program is for actually launching a climate change action plan with a real community. In 8 weeks you will design a plan complete with solutions for your community’s climate change challenges.

This is in preparation for the second course of the program where you will develop a full set of donor documents to present for funding.

Course participants have helped communities in North America, Europe, Australia, and Great Britain be prepared for local challenges magnified by global warming:

  • droughts
  • floods
  • hurricanes
  • wildfires
  • heat waves
  • rising sea levels

The course will lead you through the design and launch of a similar, real project in your local community.

Create Your Indigenous Community’s Climate Action Plan

Concerned about climate change but unsure how to take action?

  • Are you feeling left out of the climate change conversation?
  • Have a lot to say about flooding, extreme weather, and drought?
  • Start that conversation with us on your terms.
  • Produce a positive impact by strengthening your community.

Help your tribal community’s families and businesses.

We guide you in discovering solutions

Have you suffered from any of these climate challenges, emergencies or disasters?

Icon of a farmer standing in a field


  • drought & crop failure
  • wildfires
  • loss of water resources
  • flooding
Icon of a woman standing behind the counter of an old fashioned diner

Local Business

  • heat waves
  • decrease in tourism
  • impacts on livelihoods
  • reduced water supply
Icon of an older couple with canes holding hands

Elderly & Youth

  • emotional trauma
  • heat stroke
  • respiratory illnesses
  • extreme weather
Disaster Icon

Local Government

  • disasters
  • extreme weather
  • emergencies
  • health risks

Popular, Effective Climate Change Solutions

Participants have discovered over 300 different kinds of solutions.

Here are a few of their ideas. Now it’s your turn to share yours!

Icon of three trees beside a pond


  • climate smart farms
  • forest management
  • groundwater recharge
  • rock check dams
Icon of a street lamp and a tree beside a park bench

Local Business

  • street tree plantings
  • promoting agritourism
  • green energy jobs
  • wetlands protection
Icon of three people surrounded by two hands

Elderly & Youth

  • community support
  • cooling centers
  • air filtration kits
  • emergency plans
Emergency Worker Icon

Local Government

  • disaster management
  • emergency action plan
  • community engagement
  • emergency preparedness kit

This is a hands-on program where you will complete a concrete product:

A real Climate Action Plan tailored to your community.

What kind of climate project would you like to create?

Write us and let us know.

Course Details

You can participate in the training program solo, or do a group project with organizational teammates.

  • Cost: $150 per person.
  • Duration: 8 weeks with instructor Tim Magee, an internationally recognized climate expert.
  • Outcome: Create your own Climate Change Action Plan upon course completion.
  • Resources: Access course materials and templates to streamline the process.

Questions? For more information, see the full course details or contact us.

This course is tailored for indigenous community members.

We also offer tailored versions of this course for nonprofits and local governments, farmers and ranchers, and for individual community members.


Kitchen Table Chat with Tim Magee

In this video, Tim gives a two minute summary on what this online workshop is for and how it works. In this program, working side-by-side with him, you will develop a climate action plan in 6 to 8 weeks. Mr. Magee is CSDi’s Executive Director, and the author of A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation, Routledge, Oxford, England.

Groups that will benefit from this climate course.

Community Members

Are you an engaged community member, family, or farmer wanting to find climate solutions for building a stronger community?


Do you work for a nonprofit interested in developing climate action plans for the communities that you serve?
Icon of a street lamp and a tree beside a park bench

Local Business

Do you work for a local business dependent on a good climate? Agriculture? Tourism? Gardening? Looking for solutions?

Local Governments

Are you a local government wanting to find climate change solutions for building a resilient community?

How Do We Help?

We walk side by side with you, share simple steps, and, using our templates, write a climate plan.

Our approach is scaled to fit the unique needs of rural communities and is flexible enough to dovetail with your goals.
Icon of three people sitting together at a table


  • meet with your neighbors
  • share climate concerns
  • talk to us
  • rank your challenges
Icon of a man having ideas surrounded by cartoon bubbles of ideas


  • use our templates
  • write a problem outline
  • discover solutions
  • share your plan
Icon of a group of six people

Make It Real

  • get community buy-in
  • use our budget template
  • write a fact sheet
  • meet with a donor

We provide you with one-on-one mentorship every step of the way.

The Course Includes:

Climate Change Action Plan Resources

The resources include these templates to allow you to progress quickly:

  • 6 detailed assignments
  • 12 in-depth discussions
  • 6 completed assignment templates for you to personalize to become your community’s own climate action plan
  • Plus: Over 50 Word, Excel and PDF additional resources to download that contain learning guides, studies—and project templates.

Climate Change Textbook:
A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation

The instructor-led course includes a complimentary PDF eBook of Tim Magee’s A Field Guide to Community-Based Adaptation (a $40 value). Read an outline of the contents and the introduction.

One-on-one Instructor Collaboration

The instructor-led course will provide one-on-one instruction in tandem with all of the downloadable course materials listed above. Your instructor will offer professional comments and encouragement for each of your assignments.

Weekly Class Zoom Meetings

Each week we will have a group zoom meeting for questions and discussion.


Upon completing the course and all 6 assignments, you will receive a PDF Certificate of Completion.

The Next Course: Funding Your Climate Adaptation Plan

Upon completing Write Your Climate Adaptation Plan, in next six week course you will use your climate plan’s design to develop the donor documents necessary to seek funding:

  • A detailed project outline (logframe)
  • A budget
  • A schedule
  • A two-page donor presentation fact sheet

You will then have an introductory meeting with one of the traditional funding agencies that work with farmers and ranchers—such as the USDA.

Questions? For more information, see the full course details for Fund Your Climate Adaptation Plan, or contact us.

We also offer tailored versions of this course for indigenous groups, farmers and ranchers, and for individual community members.



Your next step is to simply fill out the student information sheet to complete your registration.

Indigenous Peoples That Have Participated in This Training Program:

Fond du lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

N’dee – San Carlos Apache Tribe

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Ojibwe Red Lake Band of Chippewa

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

Cree First Nation of Waswanipi

Okanagan Nation SnPink’tn – Penticton Indian Band

Fort Folly First Nation

Pimicikamak Cree Nation Cross Lake Band

Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians

Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin

CSDi Is the Leader in Community Based Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation.

What Participants Say

Questions? Here is more information including a detailed syllabus.

Please contact us with questions.

Use our resources to discover your own sustainable climate solutions. Together, we can make a difference in our communities and beyond.

Member of a Rural Small Town? Full Scholarships Are Available.

Member of an Indigenous Community? Full Scholarships are Available.

CSDi is pleased to announce 12 full scholarships for our updated training program: How to Write a North American Indigenous Climate Action Plan. Apply for this scholarship opportunity.

CSDi is pleased to announce 12 full scholarships for
How to Write a North American Rural Climate Action Plan. Learn More.

CSDi’s Climate Solutions Newsletter
Positive, practical news, ideas & actions to combat global warming.
Learn to design solutions for your tribal nation’s climate change challenges.