Integrated CBA, DRR, & Rural Development

Diploma Duration and Costs

A Module of 8 Courses A diploma program of online field courses integrating community-based adaptation to climate change, disaster risk reduction, and rural development. Snapshot 1. Course cycles are two months long. Most courses are offered every January, March, May, July, September, and November. 2. The dates on the course webpages are the dates for the very next upcoming course offering. So, for example, if it says the course will be offered beginning January 15, you can also assume that it will be offered again in March. 3. To get the 440 diploma, you must take 341, 342, 343, and 344 – one a time, one after the other. This will take eight months and you will receive a Diploma 340 completion certificate. 4. You then need to take four electives. Electives can be taken two at a time. Therefore, taking one elective at a time will take eight months; taking electives two at a time will take four months. 5. Using this approach the diploma could be completed in 12 to 16 months. Detailed Information The 440 Diploma program is made up of eight courses. To earn a diploma in Integrated CBA, DRR and Rural Development, you must first complete Diploma 340 which covers the four required, sequential, prerequisite courses for OL 440. These first four courses must be taken one at a time. Then select and complete four elective courses of your choice for a total of eight courses. This eight course diploma could be done in about 12 – 16 months. 8 months to 1 year for the first 4 courses (341 – 344), and then the 4 electives could be taken two at a time and you could complete them in 4 to 8 months. You can determine your own pace for enrolling these courses – it is not required that you complete the diploma in a specific period of time. https://csd-i.org/ol-440-diploma-drr-cba-dev/ Costs For citizens of, or people residing in developed nations: OL 440 Diploma Program: Integrated CBA, DRR, and Rural Development. Courses are $150.00 each; therefore the eight courses in the diploma program = $1,200.00. For citizens and full time residents of developing nations: OL 440 Diploma Program: Integrated CBA, DRR, and Rural Development. The courses are $100.00 each; therefore the eight courses in the diploma program = $800.00. STEP 1: Complete Diploma 340 The first course to enroll in is OL 341 OL 341. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change 1: Designing & Funding Community-Based Adaptation Projects. OL 342. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change 2: Planning for Impact. OL 343. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change 3: The Community Focus. OL 344. Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change 4: Sustainable Implementation. STEP 2: To move forward in the Diploma 440 program: simply first complete Diploma OL 340, and then choose and complete four elective courses. Elective Courses. Enroll in four of these elective courses. After successful completion Diploma OL 340, you will be invited to enroll in elective courses. There is a reason why Diploma OL 340 is a prerequisite for Diploma OL 440. Please don’t ask for an exemption from the prerequisites. These electives are offered every two months: OL 303. Food Security, Nutrition, and Home Gardens 1 OL 304. Food Security, Nutrition and Home Gardens 2 OL 345. Community Based DRR OL 332. Water Conservation and Management. OL 333. Climate Smart Agricultural. Expanded information on elective courses. To Enroll: It is quite simple to enroll in our courses – the first of the series being OL 341. Simply pay and then fill out the enrollment form. To pay by credit card: For citizens or people residing in developed nations: Then, the next step, please go to this link to fill out the Developed Nation Student Information Sheet. For citizens and full time residents of developing nations: Then, the next step, please go to this link to fill out the Developing Nation Student Information Sheet. If it is more convenient for you to use a bank transfer just let us know and we will send you instructions. Online.Learning@csd-i.org We look forward to working with you online. Return to the OL 440 webpage.