CSDi’s Climate Change Solutions:

Positive News for

Climate Change

CSDi’s Climate Change Solutions: Good Climate News

Breaking News on Positive Steps & Practical Actions for Combating Global Warming

Welcome to our new weekly breaking news column: Climate Solutions. There are many challenges and much anxiety surrounding climate change. So we decided to launch Climate Solutions to present positive news and practical, achievable actions and steps for you to take in combating global warming.

Tim Magee

The Center for Sustainable Development and Climate Change

CSDi has been a leader in working internationally with communities to develop Climate Change Action Plans since 2010. We have witnessed many climate solutions with success stories: proven track records for solving the climate challenges faced by communities.

We want to share with you in Climate Solutions cutting edge actions that you can take today. Good news for positive change! Please enjoy it and send us your comments.

Learn how you can Write a Climate Action Plan in your community.

Copyright © Tim Magee