Participants were able to voice needs and challenges openly and freely. |
The focus group was able to voice concerns, challenges, problems, and need openly and freely. The facilitator wrote everything down on a large sheet of newsprint. When they had exhausted their concerns, she took a couple of minutes to write them out again more neatly. |
Participants were able to vote on the needs most important to them. | |
She then handed out 10 pennies to each participant and asked them to go up individually and vote on the needs that they felt were the most important. They were able to put all 10 pennies adjacent to one challenge—or distribute their pennies across several challenges. |
Workshop facilitators drew up a prioritized list based upon the vote. | |
At the end of the vote, she made a prioritized list of the needs with the need receiving the most votes at the top of the list.
She then opened up discussion with the participants to make sure that they were still okay with this prioritization. Everyone was in agreement. |
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