These courses will work perfectly for creating a Local Climate Action Pprogram for your community whether you are a:
Are you a member of a community wanting to find climate solutions for building a stronger community?
Do you work for a nonprofit organization interested in developing a climate action plan for a stronger community?
Are you a tribal community member wanting to find climate solutions for building a stronger community?
Are you a local government wanting to find climate change solutions for building a stronger community?
Are you a member of a community wanting to find climate solutions to global warming for building a stronger community?
Become part of the climate solution: Learn how to work with your community’s families, businesses, and civic leaders to design and launch a new climate action plan to prepare your community to be climate-ready. You will learn how to identify climate change solutions with success stories that have a proven track record for solving your community’s climate challenges.
Community Members
Benefits for Community Members
If you want to find solutions for challenges magnified by climate change, this training program will walk you through designing a climate action plan in a simple step-by-step approach. Each hands-on assignment is one concrete building block for your new action plan. You will be provided with proven templates for you to edit into your own plan. Your course instructor will answer your questions and will give constructive, helpful feedback on each one of your assignments.
A new climate action plan cannot only protect your community, it can benefit your community through improving the environment, boosting the local economy, creating jobs, and developing energy independence.
Do you work for a nonprofit interested in developing a climate action plan for a community?
Learn to prepare communities for climate change: Work with local community members to understand their climate challenges, needs, and personal interests and develop, fund, and launch a climate action plan. This is a hands-on course where you will get field experience solving challenges magnified by global warming and design a real, solution-oriented climate action plan in a real community. You will learn how to identify climate solutions for your community that have success stories showing a proven track record for solving your community’s climate challenges.
Nonprofit Organizations
Benefits for Nonprofit Organizations:
This program is perfect for nonprofit professionals who want to develop practitioner-level skills in developing local climate solutions. If you are a grant writer, nonprofit staff member, consultant, project manager—or executive director—you will develop real skills mastery. This course is just as relevant to a person considering a career transition into the nonprofit world and wanting to develop employable skills. Each hands-on, weekly assignment is one concrete building block for your new climate action plan. You will be provided with proven templates to edit into your own climate action plan. Your instructor will answer your questions and will give you a constructive, helpful consultation on each one of your assignments.
A new climate action plan cannot only protect your community, it can benefit your community through improving the environment, boosting the local economy, creating jobs, and developing energy independence.
Are you a member of a Tribal Nation wanting to find climate change solutions to global warming for building a stronger community?
This course is specifically for you: Write a Tribal climate Change Action Plan.
Learn to prepare communities for a changing climate: Learn how to work with your community’s families, businesses, and civic leaders to design and launch a new climate action plan to prepare your community to be climate-ready. You will learn how to identify climate solutions with success stories and that have a proven track record for solving your community’s climate challenges. You will be using your community’s expressed needs, interests, and traditional knowledge as a basis for identifying solutions: Your community members are already leaders on climate solutions for your tribal lands because they possess the knowledge of your land and culture.
Tribal Members
Benefits for Tribal Members:
If you want to find solutions for challenges magnified by climate change, this training program will walk you through designing a climate action plan in a simple step-by-step approach. Each hands-on assignment is one concrete building block for your new action plan. You will be provided with proven templates for you to edit into your own plan. Your course instructor will answer your questions and will give constructive, helpful feedback on each one of your assignments.
A new climate action plan cannot only protect your community, it can benefit your community through improving the environment, boosting the local economy, creating jobs, and developing energy independence.
Are you part of a local government wanting to find climate change solutions for a changing climate for building a stronger community?
Become part of the climate solution:
Learn how to work with your community’s families, businesses, and civic leaders to design and launch a new climate action plan to prepare your community to be climate-ready. You will learn how to identify climate solutions with success stories that have a proven track record for solving your community’s climate challenges. This course is designed to build your climate leadership abilities for advancing climate solutions in your community.
Local Governments
Benefits for Local Governments:
If you want to find solutions for challenges magnified by global warming, this training program will walk you through designing a climate action plan in a simple step-by-step approach. Each hands-on assignment is one concrete building block for your new action plan. You will be provided with proven templates for you to edit into your own plan. Your course instructor will answer your questions and will give you a constructive, helpful consultation on each one of your assignments.
A new climate action plan cannot only protect your community, it can benefit your community through improving the environment, boosting the local economy, creating jobs, and developing energy independence.
Copyright © 2008-2025, Center for Sustainable Development, Inc. All rights reserved. CSDi is a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that specializes in providing sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for climate change and sustainable development for development and nonprofit professionals worldwide. Visit our training catalogue.