Achievable 3-Step Nonprofit Marketing Plan: Goals, Markets, Stories

[Templates] Achievable 3-Step Nonprofit Fundraising Plan
Learn to set fundraising goals, discover & define your target markets, and tell your nonprofit’s story to attract new supporters.
3 Templates: These first three weekly assignments from our six month long Nonprofit Mentored Online Fundraising Program are being given to you freely to use as templates & so that you can see the kinds of practical steps you’ll be taking in the program.
Nonprofit Fundraising Certificate. Learn more about program fees and the simple enrollment process. 
Develop an Achievable Nonprofit Fundraising Plan in 3 Steps
Assignment 1. 1) Define your goals for nonprofit support and 2) the type of new individual supporters you are looking for. Do you want supporters that give a donation, volunteer, subscribe? How many do you need to meet your goal?
Assignment 2. Get specific: Who exactly are these new nonprofit supporters you are hoping to reach? What causes do they want to support? Where do they look for causes to support? What information do you already have on current, similar supporters? Compile this information and place it beneath Assignment One’s goal list.
Assignment 3. What does your nonprofit do? Specifically, in a sound bite, let’s make this sound attractive to your new supporters

See the full syllabus.

In this mentored training we will develop a fundraising campaign where you will:
  • Organize your fundraising goals,
  • identify your target audience,
  • tell them you do what they’re looking for,
  • write an achievable communications calendar, and,
  • launch an effective campaign with your new skills.
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Tim Magee
Executive Director, Center for Sustainable Development 

Tim Magee is the author of:
A Field Guide to Community Based Adaptation, Routledge, Oxford, England.