Start Your 2021 Nonprofit Marketing Plan Now
Compilation of 6 Monthly Steps & 24 Weeks of Assignments
Mentored Nonprofit Communications & Fundraising in a Digital Age
Join us for a 6-Month Mentored Nonprofit Training Program
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Online Workshop: Communications & Nonprofit Fundraising in a Digital Age
- Learn how to improve online communications and fundraising in this 1-on-1 mentored program.
- Enjoy the experience of a live, facilitated workshop-without travel expenses and time away from work.
- Launch your new, targeted, 2021 campaign!
- Space is limited to 12 people.
- These spots go quickly.
We provide the instructions that you will need.
Developing your 2021 marketing plan and launching a targeted campaign sounds like a lot of work doesn’t it? But it isn’t really. All you need is our guidance.
Learn more.
By the end of this interactive online workshop you will have developed a new communications program, and new online fundraising pages and matching newsletters. AND you will have launched your new campaign!
Assignment Compilation
In our December newsletters we shared with you freely the 6 Steps and 24 weeks of assignments from our Mentored Nonprofit Masterclass Program to use both in developing a marketing and fundraising plan-and then launching it!
We have compiled the assignments just below.
Start developing an Achievable Nonprofit Marketing and Fundraising Plan now with these assignments now!
Assignment 1. 1) Define your goals for nonprofit support and 2) the type of new individual supporters you are looking for. Do you want supporters that give a donation, volunteer, subscribe? How many do you need to meet your goals?
Assignment 2. Get specific: Who exactly are these new nonprofit supporters you are hoping to reach? What causes do they want to support? Where do they look for causes to support? What are they hoping to get from the relationship? What information do you already have on current, similar supporters?
Assignment 3. What does your nonprofit do? Specifically, in a sound bite, let’s make this sound attractive to your new supporters
Assignment 5. We will show you how to insert webpage signup forms from your email list service provider. One of the first decisions that you have to make is: what information do you want a subscriber to provide on the new subscription form?
Assignment 6. We will also show you how to insert popup signup forms that convert visitors to subscribers before they leave. Popups? All you need is the Sumo app.
Assignment 7. Irresistible Incentives. Do you have a free offer for converting visitors into subscribers? Consider compiling an e-book or membership program to entice new subscribers. We show you how.
Assignment 8. Your communication connection: where will you launch your first campaign? Clearly define the channels that connect you to your target supporters: newsletter, blog or social media?
Assignment 9. Developing a communications calendar. This sounds like a lot of work doesn’t it? But it isn’t really. All you need is an initial idea to get you started.
Assignment 10. Writing techniques for getting the job done. This week you’re going to learn three techniques for writing more quickly and efficiently We show you how.
Assignment 12. You will learn that landing pages have two different jobs to do. One is to lure people to your webpage, the other is to give them a way to fulfill their search. We will also learn to use the way your donor’s write their search terms using keywords. This is called the Voice of the Customer (VOC).
Assignment 13. You will create a draft landing page using your new keywords. Above the fold (the fold is the bottom of your computer screen) we put the important, immediate information to let a visitor know that 1) they’re on the right page, 2) we have the quality product they’re looking for, 3) we have a call to action for them to respond to immediately.
Assignment 14. 12 steps to building a perfect landing page template. Just look at this month’s simple landing page template and use the 12 steps to customize it for your organization.
Assignment 16. Demystifying SEO. Use keywords in your headings, page title, page description and content. Post information rich, long content.
Assignment 17.
Email subject lines. Your chance to be both creative and a Sherlock too. Your subject line needs to be compelling enough so that people click to open your email newsletter.
Assignment 18. Email layout: What should your email look like? How long? Now that subscribers have opened your newsletter – what will lure subscribers to go to your online donation landing page?
Assignment 19. Write a new, compelling newsletter as part of your first online donation campaign. Create a master newsletter template for replicable efficiency.
Assignment 20.
Make sure that your newsletter and your landing pages are absolutely parallel to each other for ensuring that there is consistency between what the reader reads in your newsletter and finds on your landing page. Incorporate a call to action in both the newsletter and in your online donation landing page: convert visitors into donors.
Assignment 21. Learn how to launch your campaign, to send your 1st 2021 newsletter and how to promote it.
Get going on your 2021 marketing plan now! Just click on Assignment 1.
Mentored Online Masterclass
These 24 weeks of assignments are from our six month long Mentored Online Masterclass –
Communications & Nonprofit Fundraising in a Digital Age – and are being given to you freely to show you the practical, step-by-step approach participants use in the program to develop a marketing and fundraising plan – and then launch it.
The 6-month Mentored Program also provides:
- topical discussions
- weekly downloadable assignments
- weekly communication with your program facilitator
- examples of finished assignments that you can download
- over 20 downloadable templates for you to use over-and-over again
- extensive additional downloadable resources
We look forward to working with you one-on-one.
Tim Magee
Executive Director, Center for Sustainable Development