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Dear Tim,
I have already taken two previous online courses (Conflict Management and Gender and Development). None of these can compare to your course in terms of innovation and stimulation to action and reflection that develop learners’ competences. Another uniqueness about your course is the quality and quantity of the resources provided on the website. They are gold mines! I hope they will be available to the alumni after the training is over.
Edouard, Ivory Coast
Dear Tim,
The online course From the Ground-Up is an absolute cracker. After undertaking the six week course, I was able to relate and transform community need into a project idea that could attract donor funding. The exercise of transforming goals into a simple logical framework (an obligation by donors) was particularly exhilarating and smooth. It was indeed an eye opener for me especially coming from an academic background in applied research where logical frameworks are uncommon.
Perry, Cameroon
Hello Tim,
Your course material is excellent. I am nearly completing the needs assessment and will submit it on Saturday.
Ivy, Tanzania
Hi Tim,
Thanks so much for your comments, which I have found to be very helpful. I really appreciate the time you have taken to go through correcting assignments – it makes me appreciate how much time you must be investing in this course. I am very confident that all your labours are producing lots of learning and stimulation for your students.
Matt, Ireland
Hi Tim
I really appreciate your comments on my homework project week 1. As you know, as a real beginner in project designing, without your project example template, I could never write even a single word by myself. The links on watsan you gave me were so helpful.
Moise, Benin
Dear Tim,
Thank you for the good work you are doing for us! Once again thanks a lot for your useful comments and inputs. We have now revised the assignment as per your advice.
Thanks so much for your comments, positive feedback and encouragement! We are definitely going to incorporate the good ideas you have proposed.
Joseph, Yemen, and Conrad, USA
Hi Tim,
Thank you so much for your input on our assignment for week 2. We both agree that the changes you’ve made are excellent and we wish to keep them. We are moving onto assignment 3 now. I have to tell you that I have already found the partnership in this course so rewarding and am really enjoying working with Margaret.
Thank you!
Erin, Canada
Dear Tim,
Greetings from Kenya. Thanks a million Tim for the great touch you gave to our week 2 homework and all the great comments and advice. We have been greatly helped and are happy to move with this as our final copy for now.
Thanks for your words of encouragement and for all the support you are giving us on this course. Frankly speaking iLearning is very interesting and am happy to be part of this class.
Erin and I have become great friends and am glad that you introduced us to each other. We are learning so much from each other and we feel that working in partnership is a great thing. By the end of the course, we will be very knowledgeable. Thank you.
Erin, thanks a million for accepting to partner with me.
Margaret, Kenya
Dear Tim,
A pleasure to hear this! This has made my day
Kimbowa, Uganda
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